Paleo Diet Meal Plan

Paleo Diet Plan

Paleo Diet Plan – Paleo Tip #1: stick to the basics
There are many variants of the paleo diet. Like every dynamic theme also this theme evolved rapidly, which slightly confused the one or the other beginners. Therefore, I would advise at least at the beginning to the basics:

Paleo Diet Meal Plan

Paleo Diet Meal Plan

Eat meat, fish, eggs, all you want.
This includes lots of vegetables, best all colours, also all you want.
Complete with fruits, nuts, herbs and spices.
Finish. The paleo diet can be so simple. This also means that you should necessarily avoid following food:

Everything is made from grain must go: bread, pasta, pastries, etc. Because in the grain are toxins that can harm not only the body, but prevent also the absorption of important nutrients.
No legumes. Similar to when the grain also legumes contain so-called lectins that are most harmful for the body.
No dairy products. Even if the topic of milk is controversial and some paleo followers again allow certain dairy products, you should be consistent at least in the beginning. Exception: Butter. Because butter is good fat.

No industrially processed food (ready meals, packs of ingredients that does not know your grandma, etc.).
No sugar. Because sugar is a poison.
No vegetable oils, because are the composition of the more harmful for the body and often still industrially changed. Exception: Avocados, coconut milk / oil, olive oil.
Sounds radically at the beginning, but after a few weeks you will wonder what has that effect!